Thanks for stopping by! We are a vlog channel on YouTube and posting our videos and others on our website at (DFA) that focuses on our family, adventures and travels.
Our top destinations include Canada, America, and outside of North America, too. We love going to different places, meeting people and hopefully, being able to visit many deaf schools in North America and the world! We would also enjoy meeting other deaf families as well.
In between the travels, we do family vlogs and super fun skits… Come and learn more about us, the crazy, adventurous and signing deaf family!
We would love to have you along for the adventure! Don’t forget to pick up a t-shirt to help support the channel!
Sarah Colbeck (Mom)
I am profoundly deaf and communicate in ASL. I have five deaf children and I worked as a social worker for many years at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf and my two young children are going.
Furthermore,I’m also a certified ASL Instructor, and it is my passion to teach ASL workshops, classes, workplaces, families and others.
It is my dream along with my family to establish Deaf Family Adventures on our YouTube channel and others.
I look forward to make this dream a reality but we cannot do it without you guys and all of your support! 🙂





Deaf Family is what makes life more beautiful!